It is hard to imagine, what event could possibly be so important that it could draw crowds from all over World to one single location. So, if you read more about Maha Kumbh 2025, you could not put off this trip.


For those of you who have been to India before, you will be aware of the vivacious approach most Indians have towards life. Nowhere, but in Maha Kumbh Mela, this will be more apparent. This is not only a festival for only the devoutly religious, but for friends, family and travellers too. It’s a ground to explore cultural extravaganza of Indian Society.

Experience the universe of street lights expanding in front of you as far as the eye could see, blotting out the natural starlight with its own man made galaxy. No newspaper report or personal account could prepare you for the sheer scale of this pop up “Mini city”. You simply have to see it to believe it; and even then you don’t.

The site will be divided up into sectors, each containing around a million happy campers. There are going to be 35 sectors at Prayagraj Maha Kumbh 2025.

And that only includes the die-hard devotees who stay for the entire festival. There would be an additional 200 million festival goers attending for the main bathing days. A bit like the entire population of United Kingdom deciding that they wanted to join in the fun.

But what could possibly be so important that it could draw such a colossal number of people to one place? I struggle to imagine anything creating such frenzy in the UK as the Kumbh Mela did in India. Hindus believe that four drops of nectar fell from the ‘Kumbh’ or ‘pitcher’ carried by the gods, creating the holy rivers sacred to Hindu religion: the Ganges, the Sangam, the Yamuna, the Godawari, the Shipra and the mystical Saraswati. It is believed that at certain times of the religious calendar these rivers take on increased religious properties and have the power to cleanse anyone who washes themselves in the river’s waters of their eternal sins.

The momentum picks up right at the crack of dawn. Watch the first of the pilgrims quietly making their way to the banks of the river Ganges before quickly de-robing and even more quickly braving its chilly waters: just three dunks is all it takes to rid one of their eternal sins. That’s the mythological belief which brings devotees to Maha Kumbh.

For anyone that has not been to India, in my opinion the Kumbh Mela would be an incredible introduction to this country so rich in history and culture. And for those who have been several times it will offer something new.

If you want to experience your own trip of a lifetime, the next Kumbh Mela takes place in Prayagraj between Jan-Feb 2025. To book your tailor-made journey please get in touch with us